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Nutri-Score evolves - A closer look

We are excited to announce the launch of new Nutri-Score on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.

This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.

What is the Nutri-Score?

What is the Nutri-Score

The Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.

Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score

Why is Nutri-Score changing?

Nutri-Score facts Why a new algorithm

The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:

  • Better evaluate all drinks - The comparative scores of milk, sweetened dairy drinks, and plant-based drinks have been better differentiated in the new algorithm.
  • Better ranking of drinks - Sugar content is better taken into account and favors low-sugar drinks. Sweeteners will also be penalized: diet sodas will be downgraded from a B rating to between C and E. Water remains the recommended drink.
  • Salt and sugar penalized - Products that are too sweet or too salty will see their rating further downgraded.
  • Prioritization of oils and fish - The rating of some fatty fish and oils rich in good fats will improve.
  • Limit red meat - Red meat consumption should be limited. This is why poultry will be comparatively better ranked.

How to differentiate between old Nutri-Score and new calculation?

From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.

Where to find the new Nutri-Score calculation?

Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.

Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.

Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.

What does not change

Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).

In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.

For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.

The algorithm is evolving to be more in line with dietary recommendations

"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.

✅ Strengthened criterion 

The European scientific commitee of the Nutri-Score reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, to better reflect the nutritional quality of products. 30% to 40% of products have a changed score.

✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation 

The Nutri-Score logo can how have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been calculated with the new algorithm.

Where can you find the new Nutri-Score?

  • The Open Food Facts website: You can find new Nutri-Score on the product pages of our website, Open Food Facts.
  • The official Open Food Facts mobile app: The new Nutri-Score is also available today on our mobile app, allowing you to scan products and see their nutritional scores on the go.
  • The Open Food Facts free Platform for Food Professionals: We have updated our platform for professionals to include new Nutri-Score, enabling food manufacturers and retailers to improve the nutritional quality of their products.
  • Our OpenData Exports: new Nutri-Score is also available in our data exports, allowing researchers, journalists, and other stakeholders to access this new nutritional information.
  • For the 200+ web and mobile applications based on Open Food Facts, we have made available new logos to use and advice to support the migration in this tutorial. Please direct additional questions at reuse@openfoodfacts.org

For journalists

  • If you’re covering this subject, we have a press kit around the new Nutri-Score and Open Food Facts. We also did a press webinar a few hours ago that will be available shortly for replay. If you’d like to be added to our press listings for advance briefings, please get in touch at presse@openfoodfacts.org
new Nutri-Score presskit

Open Food Facts and the Nutri-Score

Open Food Facts has been a historical supporter of the Nutri-Score since 2014. 

Nutri-Score and Open Food Facts Read our page Open Food Facts and the Nutri-Score

We believe that new Nutri-Score is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike. 

It provides:

✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products, 

✔ helping consumers make informed choices

✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.

Some of the changes at a glance

Nutri-Score Visuals



Sweetened & Flavored Drinks


Poultry and fish